On the 12th April 2009, Easter Saturday, I was privileged to witness the Installation of the 2nd Master of Lodge Shamrock in Penang No.938 I.C.

The Visiting Brethren were received punctually with the reigning Masters and Wardens being admitted at 6.30 pm. I was particularly impressed with the smoothness and unhurried precision of the floor workings with no time wasted: a tribute to the Director of Ceremonies and his Assistant.

Despite a short interruption for attention to his knee, the Installing Master was very fluent and performed his duties in an exemplary manner.

A procession, led by the D of C was formed and comprised Brethren bearing (a) The Warrant, (b) the Laws and Constitutions and (c) the VSL, also the Master Elect with two escorts. An Anthem was sung A Capella (ie. without the organ) while the procession perambulated the Lodge. Unfortunately, I did not have a copy of the Notice of Communication and did not know the words so could not ‘join the chorus’.

In this Lodge, it is important that the Chair is never vacant. Exceptionally ( I think) the Grand Inspector of the Inspectorate for South-east Asia of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of A.F. and Accepted Masons of Ireland R.W. Bro. Lau Kee Siong assisted with the transfer to the newly installed Master.

After the Brethren were re-admitted and the Master proclaimed another Anthem was sung, again led by a Brother in good voice. The Officers were appointed in exemplary manner and the Charge read after which a third Anthem was sung. The Lodge was closed at approximately 8.00 pm.

Overall, I was very impressed with the smooth floor workings and the fluency of all concerned. This resulted in a smooth and continuous ceremony which was a joy to watch. Congratulations to all.

After the appropriate toasts, food, more toasts and excellently rendered Master’s Song, the Festive Board was enlivened by the birthday of the R.W. District Grand Master for Scotland, R.W. Bro. Daljit Singh Nagreh. I think in ends with an ‘O’. The Brethren sang lustily to wish him a “Happy Birthday” followed by the usual enquiry regarding the usefulness of his existence!

All in all, a wonderful experience of a memorable occasion. Thank you, Lodge Shamrock in Penang No.938 I.C. for inviting me to share it with you.

Yours sincerely,

W. Bro. Thomas E. Stark

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